Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Bath time!

My mom came to visit last week. She helped me get packed for Schlitterbahn and get to my doctor's appointment. I really wouldn't have made it without her. I have always been an over-packer, but nothing prepared me for how much a baby really needs! Thanks mom! While she was here she gave Briggs a tubby, and I got some pictures of him in his cute little froggy towel!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Go Cowboys!!!

Briggs got into his Cowboys gear for the first time today! I had to take some pictures of him in his Dallas Cowboys nursery! Isn't he the cutest?!?!? He is ready to watch some games with his Daddy!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Getting Big!

Ok, because it has been so long and he has grown so much I thought I should take some quick pics and post them. He is bright eyed right now, and he looks so handsome in his big boy clothes! I couldn't choose my favorite so you get a few!

Busy, busy, busy!

Well, as you can see I haven't posted in a while. We have been busy around here! Last weekend Briggs' Houston grammies, Daisy and Sissy, came to visit, and then we almost spent the whole next week with Mom-O and Pop-O. Briggs enjoyed Daisy and Sissy so much and can't wait for them to come visit again! We are gearing and resting up for our first big road trip since Briggs was born. This Friday we are heading out for New Braunfels for the annual Schlitterbahn trip with Tommy's family. Briggs will get to "swim" for the first time, and I can't wait to post pics of him! My parents are going as well to join in the fun!
One more important thing to note...I am having a hard time keeping up with my hungry little monkey, so Briggs "enjoyed" cereal in his bottle for the first time last night. It wasn't quite the experience I was looking for, but it was mainly my fault!!! Poor thing, had to work so hard to get anything out of the nipple. I finally tried poking a hole to make the nipple bigger and it helped a little. I was hoping that afterwards he would go right to sleep and sleep like a champ but instead he was ready to party! We started the feeding at 10:30 and he didn't want to go to sleep until 1:00 am! Although he didn't wake up until 5:00 for another feeding, it wasn't the long night's sleep I was looking for! We will try again tonight and hopefully it goes a little better!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Our little miracle!

He looked so sweet today. We went and visited all of our friends at the school. Everyone just fell in love with him!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My little model

Briggs had his first professional photos taken last Wednesday at 20 days old. The photographer posted a sneak preview of some of his pictures on her blog, so I am now posting them on mine! I can't wait to see the rest of them. She does amazing work, and Briggs didn't do too bad himself! He slept like an angel for her and was just precious the entire time!

Monday, June 1, 2009

All clean :)

After a clean diaper and a clean change of clothes, we are awake again! Isn't he handsome?!?!?

My sweet, patient baby!

I had to go ahead and make my first entry with a picture! I just had to show everyone how patient Mr. Briggs is being while his momma is playing on the computer. Sweet thing has been sitting here for over an hour just as content as can be! I have been blessed with such a good natured baby! He was WIDE awake until I decided to snap a picture, of course!

Just getting started...

Ok, I have decided to try to start blogging, and .....I really am going to try to keep up with it! I figured this would be a great way to document Briggs' life so that everyone can enjoy him along with me and Tommy! I promise I will try my best to keep up to date and if I don't, it is okay to get on to me! Now, if I can just figure this thing out....